
Spa and Wellness Velky Meder 60km from Bratislava

Winter relax with massage 2018

Potrebujete oddych a rozmaznávanie? Pobyty slúžia na zlepšenie Vášho zdravotného stavu, na regeneráciu organizmu, na celkový oddych a pohodu. Kúpele sú ideálne miesto pre regeneraciu pohybového ústrojenstva.

Winter relax with free SPA entrance 2018

Potrebujete oddych a rozmaznávanie? Pobyty slúžia na zlepšenie Vášho zdravotného stavu, na regeneráciu organizmu, na celkový oddych a pohodu. Kúpele sú ideálne miesto pre regeneraciu pohybového ústrojenstva.

Summer relax with massage

Hotel Aqua *** Thermal Varga Veľký Meder Vás pozýva stráviť dovolenku na termálnom kúpalisku Thermal Corvinus Veľký Meder a ponúka Vám wellness, super dovolenku a relax pri areáli kúpaliska

Summer relax with pools entrance 2018

Hotel Aqua *** Thermal Varga Veľký Meder Vás pozýva stráviť dovolenku na termálnom kúpalisku Thermal Corvinus Veľký Meder a ponúka Vám wellness, super dovolenku a relax pri areáli kúpaliska. Hotel je 1 minútu chôdze od termálneho kúpaliska.

Why to choose Hotel Aqua *** and Hotel Thermal Varga ***

  • comfortable accommodation in a quiet area overlooking the forest park
  • next door to the SPA, swimming pools
  • gastronomic specialties of Hungarian cuisine
  • animations
  • smile and willingness at every step
  • What to visit in Bratislava Slovakia SPA Slovakia Velky Meder

SPA Velky Meder is one of the most visited SPA and waterparks in Slovakia. Thermal water has beneficial effects on arthritic conditions and the recovery of the body. Thanks to the mineral composition and temperature is extremely useful especially for people with musculoskeletal diseases, but also is used to treat various other difficulties, inc. muscles.

Velky Meder Therme is the best waterpark and second best spa town in Slovakia next to the world famous spa town of Piešťany.  Its fame is associated with the medicinal geothermal water and medicinal sulphuric mud. The mud and thermal mineral water in Piešťany have remarkable therapeutic effects on locomotion apparatus disorders and are unique not only in Europe, but worldwide too.

The 2 and more days stay in Hotel Aqua *** and Hotel Thermal Varga *** includes free entrance to the water world, wellness and spa Velky Meder named THERMAL CORVINUS. Hotel Includes free bathrobe witch can be used to walk to the 38 C outdoors pools.

Hotel Thermal Varga - Recepcia - Ilustračný obrázok
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